(Excerpts from the church bulletins of The Orlando Bible Church)
JULY, 1962 -- POISON IN THE POT! See II Kings 4:38-41. In his book, "The Message Of Genesis, Dr. Ralph Elliott, professor of Old Testament at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, says concerning the patriarchal narratives, "...it is impossible to deny the fact that sometimes the material may have been 'legendized' just a bit and perhaps heightened as a means of intensifying the dominant characteristics in the patriarch's life. But where heightening has occurred, it is perhaps more valuable than historical fact ...Quite possibly some of the stories (of the Old Testament) have been heightened and intensified by materials that are not literally historical ..." This Bible-denying son of Satan has the audacity to say that there are distorted and untrue statements in the Bible, and that these fairy tales are more valuable than historical truth! This is the book which the Southern Baptist Convention refused to withdraw from publication at its recent annual meeting in San Francisco. How long will Southern Baptists support this treachery against the Truth as perpetrated and practiced in their theological seminaries?
FEBRUARY, 1963 -- THE BAPTIST STANDARD, official weekly of Texas Southern Baptists, December 12, 1962, had the following incredible acknowledgment of the spread of apostasy in Southern Baptist seminaries and colleges: "In some of these schools there are Unitarian teachers. Is it all right for them to teach Baptist students that Jesus is not God? There are some Roman Catholic teachers in some Baptist schools. They believe in sacerdotalism and sacramentalism, and we presume they really believe -these heresies. Do the Virginia brethren feel they should be paid with Baptist money to express these beliefs in a Baptist classroom? There are some Jews teaching in Baptist institutions. We take it that they are perfectly sincere when they reject the New Testament as Scripture. Shall they be told they are at liberty to use a Baptist laboratory, chapel or classroom to explain why they do not regard Jesus as the Christ?" Quite an acknowledgment by Southern Baptists of apostasy in Southern Baptist circles!
JUNE, 1964 -- THE PROGRESS of apostasy in the Southern Baptist Convention is further evidenced by its action at the recent annual convention at Atlantic City on May 20. Following is a news report taken directly from releases issued at the meeting: "Following an hour's heated debate, messengers to the tenth annual Southern Baptist Convention voted 2,771 to 2,738 against joining the permanent fellowship organization with six other Baptist bodies in the United States." While the merger vote lost, the thing to be noted is that it lost by only 33 votes out of 5,509 voting messengers. So close did the Southern Baptist Convention come to joining in organizational fellowship with the apostate American Baptist Convention (formerly Northern Convention)! The release further stated- "Baptist observers said the proposal was sure to come up again during the Southern Baptist Convention's meeting next year in Dallas, Texas." That is the way the liberals work. Greatly encouraged by the strength of their vote this year, they will simply wait another year knowing that their strength will increase in the passing of time.
JULY, 1965 -- DR. WILLIAM DEHONEY, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, joined Dr. Tester Harnish (president of the American Baptist Convention) in a joint press conference at the fifty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Convention in San Francisco May 20. Dr. DeHoney opened the conference by stating he was there "to bring fraternal greetings from the Southern Baptist Convention. We are not separated on matters of doctrine, but only organizationally," he said. And when the president of the Southern Baptist Convention said that, he said a mouthful! No doctrinal difference, he says, between the Southern Convention and the Northern Convention! Quite an admission from the mouth of the official representative of the Southern Baptist Convention, considering the fact that the American Baptist Convention (formerly Northern Convention) has been a thoroughly apostate organization for many years, holding membership in the National Council of Churches! Dr. DeHoney in his official pronouncement sounds just like King Jehoshaphat in his fraternal greetings to godless Ahab - "I am as thou art, and my people as thy people: and we will be with thee in the war.'- (II Chronicles 18:3) Will Southern Baptists who profess to love the Lord have no concern over the fact that they have been committed by their official representative to the apostate position and program of the American Baptist Convention?
MARCH, 1967 -- HAIL MARY! Spearheaded in the United Stated by the Southern Baptist Convention, the Crusade of the Americas is expected to involve about 100,000 local churches and 15,000,000 Baptists in twenty six nations. An official of the Southern Baptist Convention has indicated that Roman Catholics will be invited to participate in the Crusade. "I think it would be marvelous for Roman Catholics to take part in this great evangelism activity," said Dr. Wayne DeHoney, immediate past president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Make no mistake about it, the Southern Baptist Convention is well within the ecumenical orbit!
FEBRUARY, 1968 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST SIN: Jeane Dixon, whose uncanny ability to forecast future events has won her nationwide recognition, will speak to the Furman University student body March 12 at a student convocation to be held in McAlister Auditorium. This is a Southern Baptist institution, supported by Southern Baptist money. Read Deuteronomy 18:9-14 if you want to know what God's Word says about the use of divination, sorcery, witchcraft, fortune-telling, etc. All such practices involve the use of Satanic agency and are severely condemned by Scripture as an abomination in the eyes of a holy God. The prophet Isaiah had something to say about such sin in his day: "And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God?..... To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:19-20)
MAY, 1968 -- A BLACK POWER advocate at a Southern Baptist School! According to the Greenville Piedmont, February 24, 1968, George Washington Ware of SNCC, speaking at Furman University (Southern Baptist Convention School), explained to his audience: "I could not bow down and pray to a blue-eyed, blond-haired Jesus. We are going to have to paint him black or cast him aside. If you are black and you are praying to a blue-eyed, blond-haired Jesus, seems to me something is wrong." As he spoke the last words, he pointed to his head. There is something definitely wrong in Southern Baptist circles when they will permit a blaspheming son of perdition such as this to have a voice on the campus of a Southern Baptist School. The present chaplain at Furman was chairman of the 1966 Graham Greenville Crusade.
FEBRUARY, 1970 -- FROM THE PEN of Dr. John Rice in the most recent issue of the Sword of the Lord comes the following statement: "This is one of the saddest articles I have ever been called to write. I have meditated and prayed about it for long weeks. I am now convinced by factual evidence, which an informed Bible scholar editor cannot ignore, that Southern Baptist leaders are now committed liberals, that the Southern Baptist Convention is now gone, cannot be recovered for Bible-believing people. I think we can show, and feel obligated to show, that Southern Baptist seminaries are controlled by liberals; the Sunday School Board is controlled by liberals, and that a kind of denominational idolatry keeps good men, Bible believers, supporting the program, because they put the program ahead of loyalty to Christ and the Bible." This has been the position of the pastor for many years. It is gratifying to see Dr. Rice finally coming to the point where he calls for complete separation from the Southern Baptist Convention. On December 8, 1969, Billy Graham delivered an address before the Southern Baptist Convention Promotion Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where, among other things, he said: "Southern Baptists have been committed to a program and that's why from the beginning of my ministry I have supported openly and privately the Cooperative Program of this convention. I don't believe that any denomination has ever devised a program any finer or that I can give any more enthusiastic support to than the Cooperative Program of this convention." Shades of the Seducer himself!
MARCH, 1970 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST SIN! In Christian Index of December 25, 1969, the following appeared: "A national seminar on modern morality will be held in Atlanta next Spring, under sponsorship of the Southern Baptist Christian Life commission. The seminar will be held March 16-18 at the Atlanta American Motor Hotel. Theme of the program will be 'Toward Authentic Morality for modern Man., Speakers will include Henlee Barnette of Southern Seminary; William M. Pinson, Jr. of Southwestern Seminary; Joseph Fletcher of Episcopal Theological School. Also David Mace of the Behavioral Sciences Center at Winston-Salem; Anson Mount, manager of public affairs for Playboy magazine and possibly Julian Bond, Negro legislator from Atlanta." Joseph Fletcher is the author of one of the most immoral books published to date entitled Situational Ethics. On July 6, 1963, he was identified by Herbert A. Philbrick, FBI counterspy within the Communist Party, as operating under Communist Party discipline. Now just what kind of contribution could this apostate, Communist, Episcopalian minister possibly make to a seminar on ethics in Southern Baptist circles? And how does Anson Mount fit into the picture? The Southern Baptist Convention is sinking to a new low when it seeks advice on morals from the manager of Playboy magazine. Question: How can a truly Bible-believing person conscientiously permit himself to be identified with the Southern Baptist Convention and give it support through the cooperative program?
MAY, 1970 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST BLASPHEMY! Clifton J. Allen, editor of the Broadman Bible Commentary (published by the Southern Baptist Convention Sunday School Board), is quoted in Christianity Today, April 24, 1970, as saying: "Therefore a dynamic view of inspiration is not dependent on a mystical, inexplicable, and unverifiable inerrancy in every word of Scripture or on the concept that inspiration can allow no error of fact or substance." Please note reference of this religious rascal to "unverifiable inerrancy." What higher authority could he require for the verification of the inerrancy of the Bible than that of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself declared: "Scripture cannot be broken!" (John 10:35) How long will Southern Baptists continue to support such poisonous propaganda through the cooperative program?
MAY, 1970 -- FURMAN UNIVERSITY (Southern Baptist) has a radical Catholic priest as a chaplain on the campus. The Greenville Piedmont, April 18, 1970, carried a big article about the chaplain's program at this Southern Baptist Convention approved school. It read, "Father Michael Kaney, who has been with Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church since 1965, described it this way: 'I think the purpose is two-fold. I try to serve Catholics on campus and assist in giving an atmosphere of humanity to other students.", Concerning student problems he said: "I find them to be thoroughly concerned about the draft and about this whole new idea of radical thought. They want to know about these things and it is our responsibility to help them." The trail of blood left by martyred Baptists through the centuries in their opposition to Rome will cry out from the very ground against this wicked betrayal of the truth they lived and died for!
JULY, 1970 -- AT THE DEDICATION of a sixty million dollar brewery of the Schlitz Brewing Company on Friday, May 8, 1970, a Southern Baptist pastor (First Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, N.C.) pronounced the invocation: "Dear Lord, we thank Thee today that Thou hast made us so that we can enjoy new beginnings and that Thou has made us so that we can participate in dedications and make commitments and new, fresh relationships. Our hearts tell us that industry is people, so we thank Thee, 0 Living God, for the persons who have been plunged into the life and fabric, the process of living and deciding and being in our community. We thank Thee for them and their families. We thank Thee, 0 God, for the influences that shall be engendered and the relationships that shall be enjoyed because of new friends from this plant and this industry moving into our community. Grant to them all the resources, wisdom and skill that shall be demanded of that industry, and give them, 0 God, Thy presence and Thy peace and give us all the fruits, joys of this day of dedication and the relationships and commitments that shall ensue to us all from it. In the strong Name of our Lord we pray. Amen." We wonder what some of these Southern Baptist pastors will stoop to next? How blasphemously brazen can a man be to invoke Divine blessing upon The Devil's own industry? Does he really think that a holy God could bless an unholy operation such as that represented by the Schlitz Brewing Company? We wonder how many Southern Baptists left this man's church when he sold himself out to Satan in such fashion? See Proverbs 28:9!
JANUARY, 1971 -- WILLIAM E. HULL, Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, in a document entitled, "Shall We Call The Bible Infallible?" reveals the extent to which the wickedness of apostasy prevails in Southern Baptist circles. From his poison pen we have the following: "We are now in a position to answer the question with which we began. The cumulative force of the evidence is overwhelming: No, it is not wise to call the Bible 'infallible.' 'that term is subject to too many problems to become a controlling concept in our witness to Scripture. Let us say, kindly but firmly, that here is riot the decisive place for our denomination to take a stand, nor is this an issue worthy of splitting our ranks. There are many wonderfully unambiguous affirmations that we may all make about the Scriptures, but this is not one of them." How about that? The authority of the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God is the fundamental of all fundamentals. It is the very foundation upon which our faith rests. Yet this modern day Judas openly rejects the infallibility of the Bible and declares that it is a matter of so little consequence that there should be no splitting of the ranks over it. Should the ranks be split over the issue of Biblical inerrancy? Yes, by the grace of God, yes! "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing!" (II Corinthians 6:17) It is time for Bible believing Southern Baptists to put loyalty to Christ before loyalty to the Convention.
APRIL, 1971 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST SIN! Religious News Service has reported the results of a three-day conference in which one hundred parish priests and pastors
of the Roman Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Church came together for dialogue. Meeting in Daytona Beach, Florida, the conference was sponsored by the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board and the U.S. Catholic Bishops, Committee for Ecumenical and Inter-religious affairs. Discussing topics ranging from salvation to social action, the participants expressed hope that their two church bodies would "begin to act more together in facing the many issues challenging the Christian conscience in the United States today." Msgr. Bernard Law, who is the head of the secretariat of the Bishops, Committee, said, "I am filled with anticipation of what this is going to mean in terms of future Roman Catholic Southern Baptist cooperative efforts." C. Brownlow Hastings, assistant secretary of the Southern Baptist Department of Interfaith Witness, suggested that priests and pastors do their "uttermost to build bridges of understanding at lay levels."
JULY, 1971 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST BLASPHEMY! The Baptist Challenge for May 1971
carried a quotation by Rev. Fred L. Murray, pastor of Mt- Joy Baptist Church, Jonesville, S.C., in a letter to Mr. Julius Taylor. "It was not that God needed to dodge defilement. Satan himself cannot mar the purity of God in Christ, let alone a mere woman. What kind of faith do you have in the holiness of God? What kind of attitude do you have toward sex? How pure is your God, who can be smudged by a woman's sex life? Evidently, from your remark, you would renounce Christ if it should come out that Mary was not sexually 'pure.' I tell you anyone who has met Christ and felt his forgiving love, doesn't worry about 'how' he came. If he had come through a harlot, or had been hatched from a buzzard egg, He is still the greatest person this world has ever known, and I would not trade Him for ten million Taylors, Woodbridges and Murrays. I don't need a virgin to keep my Cod pure." It is obvious that the "Christ" of this hell-bound professional pulpiteer is not the Christ of the Bible. See Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:34-35. His rejection c)f the virgin birth of Christ is in reality a rejection of the authority of the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. how long will Southern Baptists continue to support such blatant blasphemy? How long will they remain in a Convention that permits it? See II Corinthians 6:17!
DECEMBER, 1972 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST evangelist Bob Harrington, speaking on the tragic death of actress Jayne Mansfield, as quoted in the Baptist Bulletin for February 1972: "Contrast her death with the last conscious act of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, brutally struck down by an assassin's bullet in a Los Angeles hotel in 1968. As Senator Kennedy lay on the kitchen floor of the hotel, a bus boy pressed a crucifix to his chest. The Senator's eyes seemed to flicker in appreciation. He was dead several hours later, but in his last moment of awareness he recognized the supreme power of the Lord. The senator died saved and rests in Heaven today." What's that again, Mr. Harrington? Since when does the pressing of a crucifix to one's breast bring salvation to the soul and guarantee entrance into Heaven? Just what is there in Roman Catholic doctrine that would cause you to believe the senator died saved? And where did you learn your Baptist theology? The power of God is made manifest unto salvation only through the glorious Gospel of God's redeeming grace through faith in the finished work of Christ upon the cross of Calvary, not through the pagan doctrine of the Romish mass. When a man lives and dies in the discipline of the Roman Catholic Church, he goes to hell, not to Heaven. See I Timothy 2:4-6!
AUGUST, 1975 -- THE PRIME TIME APPROACH! Southern Baptist evangelist Bob Harrington informs us of his TV "vision" in the following words: "The reason is, I want to take my message, my energy and put it on prime time. I can't buy prime time, so I'm going to get with the ones who can buy it. I'm trying to figure a way to get on the Columbo series for a show or two. I've had opportunities to get on the Cannon show, for example. If I can get on the Hollywood Squares program if, as a man of God, I could co-host with Mike Douglas, get back with Merv Griffin and Hee-Haw, and some of those shows; if I could get on national television arid have somebody else pick up the tab, I think that's wisdom!" Yes, that is wisdom, all right, but not the wisdom that cometh from above (James 3:15). It is the wisdom of the world, a master-piece of Satanic strategy, earthly, sensual, and devilish! The Bishop of Bourbon Street is also on record as saying: "I am looking forward to having an article written about me some day in Playboy magazine." My, what unholy aims, aspirations and ambitions! The "being saved is fun" evangelist was in Orlando some two years ago, and there were plenty of people who were suckered into the support of his counterfeit Christianity. It requires a separated testimony to rightly reflect the character of a holy God!
SEPTEMBER, 1975 -- HALLELUJAH! The following report is from the Southern Baptist Journal: "'Probably about two or three churches may be leaving the SBC each week to become independent,' Don Mabry reports. According to our study the number of our churches withdrawing from the SBC to go independent is increasing rapidly.' Mr. Mabry is the Director of the Department of Survey and Special Studies of the Home Mission Board. He has completed a ten-year study as to the number of churches withdrawing from the SBC. 'Between seven hundred and fifty and eight hundred churches have gone independent between 1963 and 1972 according to the projections of our study."' One such church gave as its reasons for leaving the SBC: "The rapid increase of modernism, liberalism and worldliness among Southern Baptist leaders. Case after case has been shown that they deliberately and openly deny the Bible as being the inspired, infallible, especially in the last convention meeting concerning the Broadman Bible Commentary, which was vote by a majority of Southern Baptists to accept as written, which denies the Word of God. We do not wish to have any part in denying the Word of God, for we all must answer to God as to how and for what we have stood-" Hallelujah! Some Southern Baptists have begun to wake up. Pray that many more will follow these examples.
OCTOBER, 1975 -- SOUTHERN BAPTIST BLASPHEMY! The Baptist Challenge, May 1971, carried a quotation by Rev. Fred L. Murray, pastor of Mount Joy Baptist Church, Jonesville, S.C.: "It was not that God needed to dodge defilement. Satan himself cannot mar the purity of God in Christ, let alone a mere woman. What kind of faith do you have in the holiness of God? What kind of attitude do you have toward sex? How pure is your God, who can be smudged by a woman's sex life? Evidently, from your remark, you would renounce Christ if it should come out that Mary was not sexually 'pure.' I tell you anyone who has met Christ and felt his forgiving love, doesn't worry about 'howl he came. If he had come through a harlot, or had been hatched from a buzzard egg, he is still the greatest person this world ha ever known, and I would not trade Him for ten million Taylors and Woodbridges and Murrays. I don't need a virgin to keep my God pure." Does the average Southern Baptist layman know that there are Southern Baptist pastors who thus ridicule and reject the glorious doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ? Are they aware of the fact that they are supporting antichrist pastors who worship a "Christ" other than the Christ of the Bible?
OCTOBER, 1975 -- FROM A TAPE-RECORDING at the occasion of the dedication of a sixty million dollar brewery of the Schlitz Brewing Company, we have the following absolutely incredible invocation offered by the Southern Baptist pastor of the First Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, N.C., May 8, 1970: "Dear Lord, we thank Thee today that Thou hast made us so that we can enjoy new beginnings and that 'Thou hast made us so we can participate in dedications and make commitments and enjoy new, fresh relationships. Our hearts tell us that industry is people, so we thank Thee, 0 living God, for the persons who have been plunged into the life and fabric, the process of living and deciding and being in our community. We thank Thee for them and their families. We thank Thee, 0 God, for the influences that shall be engendered and the relationships that shall be enjoyed because of new friends from this plant and this industry moving into our community. Grant to them all the resources, wisdom and skill that shall be demanded of that industry and give them, 0 God, Thy presence and Thy peace and give us all the fruits, the joys of this day of dedication and the relationships and commitments that shall ensue to us all from it. In the strong Name of our Lord we pray. Amen!" What utter blasphemy!
NOVEMBER, 1975 -- BROOKS HAYS, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and chairman of the Ecumenical Institute at Wake Forest University (SEC), in his book, Is The Bible A Human Book?, says: "To avoid being guilty of ignoring my own exhortations against uncritical treatment of the Bible, I must say at the outset that I do not accent all of the Bible as literally true." How did he get to be president of the Southern Baptist Convention?
JULY, 1976 -- SOUTHERN BAPTISTS have elected a woman as president of one of their State Conventions for the first time in their ninety-five year history, according to an article in the California Southern Baptist publication for December 9, 1975. United Presbyterians and American Baptists elected a woman to their highest offices last year. It was the Communists who promoted the Women's Liberation movement in the United States and now the liberal churches and denominations have become infected with this vicious Satanic virus which involves open disobedience to the Word of God. "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." (I Timothy 2:11-12) As in the home, so in the church, man is given the place of headship. In matters of doctrine and discipline, women are not permitted to usurp a position of authority.
MARCH, 1978 -- POISON IN THE POT! A Prophetic congress was held in Jerusalem during June 15-18 to which post-tribulationists, post-millennialists, Pentecostalists and evangelicals with an ecumenical emphasis were invited. Harold J. Ockenga, self-admitted father of the New Evangelicalism was a co-chairman as was W.A. Criswell (Billy Graham's Southern Baptist pastor and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention). Program chairman was Carl F.H. Henry of the thoroughly apostate American Baptist Convention. Pat Boone and Dale Evans of the Casino-Night Club crowd, and Tom Landry of the Dallas Cowboys, were listed just - what contribution they had to make to the prophetic picture makes one wonder. Among others was Bill Bright, whose multi-million dollar Campus Crusade program is dedicated to the revolutionary changing of human society with a postmillennial strategy that would make an old-time liberal green with envy. Tom Skinner, who flails away on racist themes, was another prominent participant. And then there was Dr. John Walvoord, president of Dallas Theological seminary probably the only one with a clear-cut biblical eschatology. But what in the name of all that is holy was he doing there at this chaotically confused conglomeration?
NOVEMBER, 1975 -- IN A REMARKABLE document entitled Shall We Call The Bible Infallible? by William E. Hull while Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, we have this expression of blatant blasphemy against the Bible: "We are not in a position to answer the question with which we began. The cumulative force of the evidence is overwhelming: No, it is not wise to call the Bible 'infallible.' That term is subject to too many problems to become a controlling concept in our witness to Scripture. Let us say, kindly but firmly, that this is not the decisive place for our denomination to take a stand, nor is this an issue worthy of splitting our ranks. There are many wonderfully unambiguous affirmations that we may all make about the Scriptures, but this is not one of them." We should thank this Southern Baptist professor for revealing his apostasy so plainly that only the wilfully blind could not see. The remedy for this wickedness does not lie in firing this liberal theologian from his position, because this is the position of every seminary in the Southern Baptist Convention. Those who profess to love the Saviour and His holy Word cannot ignore their plain duty and solemn responsibility to separate themselves from this iniquity. The authority of the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God is the decisive place where Christians must take their stand!
JANUARY, 1978 -- BAPTIST BLASPHEMY! From the Richmond News-Leader, 12/7/77, we have the following: "Jesus 'never really claimed to be God or to be related to Him,' says Dr. Robert S. Alley, chairman of the religious department at the University of Richmond. 'For the past one thousand eight hundred years, the Christian church has been preaching something about Jesus that he probably didn't say about himself,' the educator and Southern Baptist clergyman told a group of professed atheists last night at First Unitarian Church, 1000 Blanton Avenue. 'I see Jesus as really a Jew,' Dr. Alley said after his talk. 'I don't imagine for a minute that he would have had the audacity to claim the Deity for himself.' He said he felt comfortable among the atheists last night because he knew he wouldn't be attacked for his unorthodox beliefs. He called biblical literalists and fundamentalists 'stupid.'" Hell will not be too hot for this religious renegade!
APRIL, 1981 -- A TELLING TESTIMONY! In the Southern Baptist Journal of 1981, a young man by the name of R.L- Hymers describes his experience at Golden Gate Seminary, the youngest of six major Southern Baptist seminaries. This is his tragic testimony: "My three years at Golden Gate Seminary were the worst experience of my entire life. It is no exaggeration to say that I hated virtually every moment I was there. At the end of the first year, I was ready to leave the ministry. All this was due to the fact that the Bible was torn to shreds in nearly every class. I had thought that my professors would be men of God. I discovered that many of them hated the Bible and all that it stood for. I am convinced that those who truly love the Southern Baptist Convention will encourage their young men to attend a non-Southern Baptist seminary. All of our six Cooperative Program seminaries have teachers who deny the Bible is the infallible Word of God.,, As you read this, weep - shed hot tears over the deplorable, demoralizing, degradation wrought by apostasy within the very bosom of a once great convention. To support the Southern Baptist Convention and its cooperative program is to identify oneself with an abomination in the sight of God!
APRIL, 1981 -- BLATANT BLASPHEMY! "Only willful ignorance or intellectual dishonesty can account for the claim that the Bible is inerrant and infallible," said Dr. Robert Bratcher of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a Southern Baptist translator. "No truth-loving, God-respecting, Christ-honoring believer should be guilty of such heresy. To invest the Bible with the qualities of inerrancy and infallibility is to idolatrize it, to transform it into a false God." Will the real heretic please stand up!
JUNE, 1981 -- A CALCULATED CHALLENGE! Dr. William A. Powell, who is himself a Southern Baptist, wrote to Dr. Duke McCall, president of the denomination's oldest seminary - Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville - and offered to donate five hundred dollars to the institution if at least ten of its thirty-seven faculty members still believed the Bible. All McCall had to do was send Powell the names of ten men who still believed and taught the following six items: I.- That Jesus was born of a virgin; 2.- That Jesus arose from the grave in His physical body; 3.- That God inspired every word of the original Manuscript of the Bible (Verbal Inspiration); 4.- That there were no errors in the Original Manuscript (Infallibility); 5.- That Adam and Eve were the first two human beings and that they gave birth to the first human babies; 6.- That Jonah spent three days and nights inside a large sea-monster as Jesus said in Matthew 12:40- McCall did not accept the offer! Dr. Don Hustad, a former professor at the seminary, said in 1972 that he did not know one single teacher at Southern Baptist Seminary who accepted the Bible as infallible and inerrant. The apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention as reflected in its seminaries is appalling! According to Dr. Don Touchton, in a statement made as second vice-president of the Southern Baptist Convention, "Temp Sparkman of Midwestern Baptist Seminary teaches universalism; Frank Stagg of Southern Seminary is opposed to the substitutionary atonement of Christ, while embracing the moral influence theory of the atonement; and Robert Alley of the University of Richmond teaches that Jesus Christ is not God...Temp Sparkman teaches that lying about one's beliefs is justifiable if one is seeking to change the organization. Joseph F. Green teaches that mutual manual sexual stimulation between unmarried couples is acceptable. These and other moral deficiencies are a clear product of liberalism." From such an abominable situation, God clearly commands His people to turn away!
JULY, 1981 -- POISON IN THE POT! In a study made by Southern Baptists there is conclusive proof that Southern Seminary is turning out a flood of liberal graduates, and that the longer one studies at this institution the less he holds to the orthodox Christian position. The findings were shocking, startling, and clearly indicative of the prevalence of liberalism in Louisville. The survey made things look especially bleak for the future of Southern Baptist schools. Of those working on a Ph.D. degree, 63% plan to pursue a teaching career. Yet 21% of them have doubts that Jesus is the Divine Son of God and 5% of them have come to the conclusion that Jesus was only a man, although an extraordinary one and still another 5% are not even sure such a person as Jesus really existed! With reference to the miracles of the Bible, while 37% of these Ph.D. candidates believed they happened as recorded, an equal percentage think they happened but can be explained by natural causes; 20% are not sure whether they happened or not, and 5% think they are merely myths without any historical significance. As to the virgin birth, 32% are sure of it, 37% think it is probably true, 15% think it is probably not true and another 15% definitely do not believe it. As for the account of Jesus walking on the water, only 22% are sure of it, another 22% think it probably happened, 28% say it probably didn't happen and another 28% are positive it did not happen. This is a deadly dangerous situation!
AUGUST, 1981 -- THE TRAGIC TRUTH! Messengers at Southern Baptist Convention in Los Angeles, California, June 1981, were surprised, and somewhat shocked, to learn that Duke McCall had resigned from the presidency of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, after having served in that capacity for more than a quarter of a century. According to the Sword of the Lord, July 10, 1981, McCall's resignation was brought about by a drinking problem. This has also been revealed in a paper circulated by the Southern Baptist Journal. During his tenure as president of the oldest of Southern Baptist seminaries, he led the institution squarely into the camp of liberalism - and bragged about it. A former trustee of the seminary said, "I've heard Duke make statements that he has brought the seminary into the liberal camp. He said he had turned us around - that they are very liberal and that we are now in the mainstream of Christianity, whereas we are not so before." It should be downright degrading to every member of the Southern Baptist Convention to learn that the president of their largest and most influential seminary debauched himself through drink. And ought they not to be horribly shocked at the braggadocio of this brazen braggart over the revelation of the traitorous treachery he has perpetuated and practised for the past twenty-five years and more? Where have they been all this time during which their leading seminary was transformed into a citadel of apostasy? Centuries ago, the prophet Jeremiah declared: "A wonderful (amazing) and horrible thing is committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof" (Jeremiah 5:30-31)? Isn't it about time that Southern Baptists wake up?
DECEMBER, 1986 -- BAPTIST BLASPHEMY! In the possession of the pastor is a photograph of the billboard of the Killarney Baptist Church (Southern Baptist) upon which appears in capital letters the following: "Bless those- who have been dipped in a baptistry but never washed in the blood.,, The name of the pastor was inscribed underneath - Dr. C.E. Landers. The elimination of the blood of Christ is nothing new to Southern Baptist liberals. As far back as 1950 in an address before the World Baptist Congress, Edwin Dalberg ridiculed such phrases as "the precious Name of Jesus," "coming under the blood" and 'saved by grace." He said they "simply do not register in the mind of the average American listener." God will have no mercy upon Baptists who think more of their baptistry than they do of the blood of the Lamb!